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About Me

Hi everyone,


Though I am sorry the cross that you carry that has led you to this ministry, I am glad you are here! My name is Marie and I live in the wonderful city of KCMO with my husband and 2 dogs.  We have been trying to grow our family since October of 2018. We knew going into our marriage it may be difficult because I had been diagnosed with PCOS and my cycles were a hot mess. Over the course of this journey, we have cried tears of joy and grief over our 2 little saints in Heaven, Alex and Faustina. In 2019, I became a Creighton FertilityCare Practitioner in order to help others who have had challenges with irregular cycles and infertility. It has brought me a lot of peace sharing what I have learned and giving purpose to my own suffering. This is why I started Fullness of Life.


The first 2 years of infertility were the hardest thus far. Few answers, months between doctors appointments, not being taken seriously, being asked well intentioned but often difficult questions about having kids, all while our friends who got married around the same time as us were announcing pregnancies (some with their 2nd or even 3rd child). I did not have the tools to cope well during this time, and isolated myself a lot. 


For 2 years I got so lost in the world of infertility treatments that I lost myself in the process. I forgot to live, and my relationships suffered so much. I was angry all the time. Every decision I made was to help us get pregnant. And as each cycle passed, and there was still no baby in our arms, I lost more of myself to my grief. The search for the "key" to getting pregnant became my top priority, and an unhealthy obsession. In 2021, I began allowing myself to pursue other dreams and goals. I took dance classes and started painting again so I could see that my body could do something beautiful after all. Instead of spending all our money on things for our fertility treatments, we finally took a belated honeymoon. I also started living out the things that I had told myself I could only do if we were expecting/had kids. We moved into a house, and I stopped working full time to pursue being a homemaker/working part-time from home. I found other ways to mother like volunteering for youth group. I began to live again, and remember who I am. Instead of trying to control life, I surrendered to it.

Education and Certifications

Benedictine College 2012-2016

B.A. Art with minor in Psychology and an Art Therapy emphasis. 

Creighton FertilityCare Practitioner Certification Program 2019-2021

Organic Conceptions Fertility Mindset Coaching Program 2022

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Fullness of life is a Catholic support ministry that helps women and their husbands experiencing infertility.  Through small group support, and retreats, we assist in finding community in a very isolating cross, and learning how to participate in God's creative nature, being made in his image. 

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