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Our Services


Small Group Support

These groups are for anyone who is seeking community and support with other women who have carried similar crosses of infertility or miscarriage. The groups will have 4-8 women. Some will meet in person and some virtually. These are focused on healing, community with others who understand to some extent what you have been through, and prayer. We will have time for check-ins at each meeting, but this is optional and we will not be giving any medical advice. It is simply a safe place for us to talk and listen to each other. Joining these groups are free. This is a service we don't know we need untilwe receive it. 



Marie has a gift for networking, and collecting resources. She is happy to share things she has personally found helpful(and unhelpful), while also sharing as much as she can about other resources she has learned about along her journey(including other ministries out there!). She believes in looking at the whole person: body, mind and soul so many of her resources include books and prayers, too. You can read a blog she wrote on going through treatment here! If you are interested in talking with live, you can schedule a time below, or send an email. This is not medical advice, see disclaimer below. 



Every spring we plan on hosting a couples retreat, and every fall a retreat just for women. These retreats are focused on rejuvenation, prayer, community, time in nature, and holistic activities. Nothing at the retreats are required, we leave space and freedom to participate in whatever you feel comfortable doing. The goal is for you to reconnect with each other, God,  and just take a break from all the doctor visits and tests. This emotional/mental side of this journey is not being addressed as much as the physical. We are body, mind and spirit. We cannot ignore one and focus only of the other. 

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